Z Factory Replica Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15510 with 4302 Movement

ZF is a big factory if you read my blog and know several watch factories in our market, but people still have little knowledge about these factories, some do not know certain factories only make replica watches of certain brands, for example, GM factory only makes Rolex replicas, EW factory also only makes Rolex replica watches, but there are several factories that are really big, and they make replica watches that cover a lot of brands, ZF is such a big factory, so is VS factory. In the past, Noob and JF also belong to such type of big factories, but unfortunately Noob and JF have been closed for a long time. Some people still asked me about Noob Submariner and Noob Daytona, they do not believe that this factory has been closed and no longer in this business, they will be easily cheated by some other watch dealers.

I always recommend big factories, they should be your first choices, are these replica watches made by big factories really better? My answer is yes, they are really much better, if you have compared the same model between a big factory and a no-famous watch manufacturer, you will know the difference in quality, it is very obvious, the replica watches from big famous factories usually called super clones, in my articles of top selling replica watches, there are all super clones, they are the best in our market. However, super clones have one shortcoming, that’s their high prices, many people do not want to spend such a high price on a replica, even it is a super clone, it is not perfect, like this Replica Royal Oak 15510 from Z factory, it is not a perfect replica watch, I think many people do not think it is worth to buy a replica watch at over 500 USD or 600 USD.

This Royal Oak 15510 replica is a super clone? I do not think so, its quality is very close to a super clone, but it is not, even made by ZF. I do not know why ZF is so rush to publish this 50th anniversary Royal Oak 15510 replica, they did not complete this replica watch in a high quality level, perhaps just want to get ahead of APS factory to publish this replica watch. The same thing has also happened on the ZF 15720 Royal Oak Diver. ZF is selling 15510 at a very high price, it is a good replica, but I do not think you should immediately get it, you can wait, they will lower down the price, I think they will do after APS factory take an action.

ZF will be defeated by APS within one or two years, now first-class finish on case and bracelet is not a secret any more as long as the replica is from a big famous factory, the most important factor that determines the factory’s future is the movement research and development capacity of the factory, in developing and improving movement, APS does a much better job than ZF, so I think APS factory will replace ZF’s position in the market of AP Royal Oak. We know that ZF started to become famous because of the Portuguese 7 Days Power Reserve replica they made, the movement inside this famous replica watch was exactly developed by APS, I was very surprised when I heard this from one of my friends. It can be seen from all aspects that ZF does not have too many advantages, probably the biggest one is their background that lets them still active during each raid.

Audemars Piguet Royal Oak ap214 Piguet Replica Review

Hey guys, well, I stand to be corrected on this but, I’m certain that an eye-catching wrist watch is a paramount decoration for men, right? I can see how I just plunged you into deep thoughts, relax. So, today I’m going to introduce you one exquisite Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Replica Watch, it’s called the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak ap214 Piguet Replica Watch. Fellow men, this is the replica that replays the essentials of the royal family with utmost secrete. No wonder it’s currently the talk of the town and the most demanded among the AP replicas. You also don’t want to miss out, right? Now let’s exploit its detail, but before that.


Why buy the  Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Replica Watch?

Audemars Piguet Royal Oak replica watch
Audemars Piguet Royal Oak replica watch

Who buys this replica watches? The answer to this question is very simple: everybody. This is simply because these replica watches are a perfect copy of the original watches. They are quite durable with unrivalled functionality and some of world’s finest mechanisms. As the prices of the authentic models continue to go up, so does the quality of AP Royal Oak replica watches.


Another reason you ought to buy one is because this is a watch that stands out from the crowd. Its charismatic appearance is recommended for outgoing men who cherish a pronounced sense of fashion.

Lastly, you should possess one because evidently, these replicas are easy to collect and simple to understand. If you are reading this and worrying about the dollars you’ll be required to cough out in order to get one, I encourage you to visit https://www.biao.is/audemars-piguet/audemars-piguet-royal-oak-ap214.html and see how affordable they are. As if that’s not enough, you benefit from safe and quick shipping as well as a guaranteed return policy in case you’re not pleased by the product. Kindly note that all Audemars Piguet Royal Oak replica watch from the site are water resistant but not waterproof; We do not recommend you to swim with them or take showers with them and also taking the watches underwater will revoke their guarantee.

How the AP Royal Oak replica differs from the genuine model

 The replica’s logo and the ‘AUDEMARS PIGUET’ writings on the dial are larger than those on the real timepiece. On the original model, the luminescent coated silver hour markings are quite thin and long while on the replica their thickness and shape is way off. The unique raised squares on the original’s dial are not exactly the same as the ones on the replica. Evidently, there exists a minimal structural difference despite their similar functionality. This makes me wonder why the genuine models are extremely overpriced. Anyway, let’s not interfere with other’s business, as for me and my house, we shall forever embrace the AP Royal Oak replica all the way.

Outstanding features of the AP Royal Oak Replica watch


Lots of people considered this AP replica to be the finest kinetic (Automatic) movement in the world. Its movement has always kept flawless time. In fact I have to say it’s my favorite ‘feeling’ of automatic chronographs. The movement works as stable and good as the genuine. In a nutshell, it’s the best replica AP Royal Oak watch that I’ve ever seen. In case you’re looking for a super quality yet cozy watch, this will be an amazing choice.



This replica’s case comes in a brushed stainless steel material after undergoing a long eight-stage process that involves cutting of its octagonal bezel as well as the circular openings of its midcase. They are then fully sandblasted including the attachment point of the bracelet and then paste-polished to revel the facets of the case. The case back entails detailed Royal Oak engraving and serial details with mechanics revealing transparent center. As such, the replica comes out so appealing on the wrist. That’s even way before we get to the bracelet.



Well, about its bracelet, the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak replica watch comes with a bracelet that is undeniably the stuff of legend. Its finishing is just unbelievable. Its size of 240x25mm ensures it perfectly fit on virtually all varied wrist sizes in a fluid manner. Having been made from black crocodile leather strap with white thread stitching, they definitely depict something unique on your wrist. It comes with a heat embossed Audemars Piguet name and logo, a clear prove of the energy and time AP dedicates to development of its bracelets so as to give you value for your every dime. The stainless steel cutwork crown with AP logo is nothing short of superb.

Audemars Piguet Royal Oak replica watch
Audemars Piguet Royal Oak replica watch


This is yet another attribute that has propelled the AP Royal Oak replica to legend status. Through the replica’s sapphire crystal glass, one can vividly admire its outstanding dial. I sense that you share that feeling. Yes, no doubt, the replica provides a clear view to read through the dial’s detail. It features a blue colored weaving that forms a lozenge motif and square that captures light thus enhancing its ‘geometric relief.’ This patterned dial is beneficial in that depending on how it strikes any light rays, you’ll see varied tones. What’s more, it has a date display in the dial for more convenience. After knowing the amazing design of this Audemars Piguet Royal Oak replica watch, I just have three words to express my entire feeling, it is awesome.


Other desirable details about the AP Royal Oak replica

Back: Stainless steel screwed down back with a mechanics revealing transparent center and Royal Oak engraving

Band Type: Crocodile Leather

Bezel: Hexagonal brushed stainless steel screwed down bezel

Bracelet: Black crocodile leather strap with white thread stitching and heat embossed Audemars Piguet name and logo and an Audemars Piguet inscribed stainless steel flip-over hook clasp

Bracelet Length: 240 X 25mm

Case: Brushed Stainless Steel Case

Case Thickness: 11 mm

Chronograph: N/A

Crown: Stainless steel cutwork crowns with Audemars Piguet logo

Dial Color: Blue

Diameter: 47 x 39 mm

Gender: Men

Glass: Sapphire Crystal

Movement: Kinetic (Automatic)

Quality: Japanese Miyota

Shipping Size: S

Watch Clasp: Flip Clasp


AP Rose Gold Replica Watch Review

Audemars Piguet Michael Schumacher Limited Edition Rose Gold Working Chronograph with Strap Replica Watch

AP Rose Gold Replica Watch
AP Rose Gold Replica Watch

Nowadays, A lot of men will focus on AP Rose Gold Replica Watch naturally when they are choosing an Automatic wrist watch for themselves. In order to satisfy what you like most and consider from the most realistic standard, I am going to introduce one perfect replica Audemars Piguet MICHAEL SCHUMACHER limited edition, which is almost ninety nine percent similar with the original, but no need you cost hundreds of thousands of to own one original. I think most of clients will prefer to choose one high replica with reasonable price rather than to have the original with high price almost can not afford.

Fake AP Logo on Crown
Fake AP Logo on Crown

This replica is almost perfect in workmanship, its handsome appearance and cool style may be a special view that can be your new baby .Firstly, we find that it with stainless steel case, with such hard case can be strong protection. With super big size 44mm, and the black-gray dial decorate with famous “Mega Tapisserie”, which is Continue reading AP Rose Gold Replica Watch Review